United Communicators

A Toastmasters Club

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Club Leadership
Structure & Opportunities


  1. Chief Executive Officer
  2. Presides at Executive meetings
  3. Sets the Club's vision and provides leadership
  4. Trains, supervises, coaches & applauds fellow Officers
  5. Votes on behalf of the Club at Area, Division, District, Region & International

Vice-President Education

  1. Plans dynamic Club meetings.
  2. Promotes the Toastmasters educational program to Club members.
  3. Orients new members to the Toastmasters program and to the Club.
  4. Makes sure all members understand the importance of excellent evaluations and know how to evaluate.
  5. Arranges for Speechcraft and other Success/Communication and Success/Leadership Programs to be conducted inside or outside of the Club.
  6. Arranges for the Club to conduct Youth Leadership Programs.
  7. Encourages members to participate in other Toastmasters activities and programs.
  8. Administers speech contests.
  9. Organizes a Speakers Bureau.
  10. Chairs the Education Committee.
  11. Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
  12. Presides in the absence of the President.
  13. Attends and votes at Area and District council meetings.
  14. Votes at Regional and International business meetings.

Vice-President Membership

  1. Builds Club membership.
  2. Increases member satisfaction.
  3. Prepares the Semiannual Membership Report.
  4. Chairs the Membership Committee.
  5. Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.
  6. Attends and votes at Area Council meetings.

Vice-President Public Relations

  1. Plans a public relations program.
  2. Prepares publicity materials.
  3. Produces a Club newsletter.
  4. Writes for the company publication.
  5. Chairs the Public Relations Committee.
  6. Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.


  1. Maintains an accurate membership roster.
  2. Records and reads meeting minutes.
  3. Assists with the Semiannual Membership Report.
  4. Reports new officers to World Headquarters.
  5. Prepares and mails orders for Toastmasters supplies.
  6. Circulates TIPS, the Supply Catalog and The Toastmaster magazine.
  7. Keeps the Club Constitution and Bylaws.
  8. Maintains general Club correspondence.


  1. Prepares an annual budget for the Club.
  2. Provides the bank with a new signature card.
  3. Notifies each Club member in writing of dues payable.
  4. Collects payable dues and fees.
  5. Issues checks to World Headquarters for semiannual membership dues/New Member Fees.
  6. Pays all bills promptly.
  7. Keeps complete and accurate records of all financial transactions.
  8. Presents a verbal and written financial report monthly.
  9. Submits Club accounts for audit.

Sergeant At Arms

  1. Arranges room and equipment for each meeting.
  2. Greets all guests and members at each meeting,
  3. Arranges for food service at meal meetings.
  4. Collects ballots and tallies votes for awards.
  5. Maintains all Club equipment and materials.
  6. Chairs the Social and Reception Committee.
  7. Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings.

Immediate Past President

  1. Chairs the Nominating Committee
  2. Helps with the Distinguished Club Program/Club Success Plan
  3. Promotes the Club's efforts to become a Distinguished Club
  4. Provides guidance and serves as a resource to Club officers and members.
(source: "When You are the President" manual)

 Contact Julie for more information.

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