United Communicators

A Toastmasters Club

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(July   -   Newsletter excerpts)

President’s Message

By Merritt Hines, ATM-B

I feel fortunate to have this opportunity and this means to say some things about the character of our club. I have observed over the ten years I have been a member that our club is, for one thing, resilient. While some clubs, under adverse circumstances such as dramatic fluctuations in membership levels, fold, our club has continued for many years.

 Something else our club has that is perhaps not definable but describable is the ability to impart to members a kind of glow or, might I “get mystic” for a moment and say “a sense of spiritual well being,” a feeling of “I’m glad I went to the meeting tonight even though I knew there might not be many members present.” Our club has the quality of a family who cares about its members even when they are absent from view for a time.

 I believe that we demonstrate in an exemplary way the essential qualities of a Toastmaster club, things like “positive learning environment” but we have something more and I think that after ten years of membership I can be confident that I am correct in my assessment of our club as a “home.” The other night Harry made a speech in which he talked about a “guiding light” which he felt had led him to the church that he attends. Great job Harry, and if I may say so you rather captured my feeling about how I came to United Communicators Toastmasters.

Officers (July-December)

President - Merritt Hines, ATM-B Secretary - Olga Papadopoulou, CTM
VP Education - Harry Schneider, DTM Treasurer - Hester Schwarzer, CTM
VP Membership - Paul Kocher, DTM Sergeant-at-Arms - Tom Lindsay, CTM
V.P. Public Relations  - Julie Kocher, DTM Immediate Past President - Hester Schwarzer, CTM

Our July 11th Officer Installation meeting was a patriotic and festive occasion when we were treated to good things to eat, good fellowship, a visit by our Area Governor, Debbie Smith, and interesting speeches by Hester, our outgoing President, and Merritt, our incoming President.



September 12- Club Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests

September 21- Area 31 Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests

November 3- Division C Humorous Speech and Table Topic Contests

November 17 and 18- District 25 Fall Conference, Business Meeting, and Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests


“We learn best in moments of enjoyment”

– Ralph Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters International

Check It Out!

P         The following members attended all three meetings in June (no meeting June 13):  Paul Kocher, Tom Lindsey, Harry Schneider, and Hester Schwarzer.

P         Harry Schneider spoke to the Single Life Sunday School Class at the First United Methodist Church in Arlington on June 4. The title of his presentation was “God, Our Help.”

P                  Harry Schneider and Hester Schwarzer were trained at the Toastmasters Leadership Summit  (TLS) held on June 24 in Ft. Worth.  Julie and Paul Kocher were trained on July 15th in Coppell.

P                  Peggy Rudd was accepted a member of United Communicators at the Jun3 27 meeting. Welcome Peggy!

ü             The following members attended all three meetings in July (no meeting July 4):  George Brandsma, Janice Butzky, Merritt Hines, Tom Lindsey, Harry Schneider, and Hester Schwarzer.

P                  On July 23rd Harry Schneider gave a sermon entitled “The Light of the World” at St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Ft. Worth.

P                  Julie and Paul Kocher traveled to Florida July 26-31st to visit family and have R&R.

Toastmaster of the Month

       I have had the opportunity to work closely with this month’s “Toastmaster of the Month” and so I know firsthand how much effort she has put into doing a good job. She has not only taken care to fulfill all her big responsibilities but has included a lot of little things that have made each officer’s meeting and special occasion meeting and each club meeting just a little bit nicer. Example; the patriotic “star candles” that showed up as decorations at the anniversary and officer induction meetings. 

For this and so much more Hester Schwarzer, you are our “Toastmaster of the Month.”                                                                                                                            Merritt Hines, ATM-B

Toastmasters International is making some exciting changes in its educational system and award designations. In January 2006, new leadership award programs will be introduced and educational awards will be renamed in order to distinguish between speech programs and leadership programs. This will strengthen leadership training and make all educational designations in the communication and leadership tracks clearer and more meaningful. The development of leadership skills has always been part of the Toastmasters program. Members have had the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills while serving in various club meeting roles and in officer positions. In fact, many people join because they want to improve their leadership skills.

 Contact Julie for more information.

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